Shimada-Kitako CNC Lathes

- Load While Machining
Four spindles, generally partnered in pairs, are mounted in a square pattern in a large cylindrical carrier drum. When the carrier is indexed 180 degrees, two spindles/parts move from the loading zone to the machining zone. At the same time, the other two spindles/parts move from the machining zone to the loading zone. As two parts are being machined, two new parts are being loaded. This continuous indexing is similar to that of a pallet changer on a machining center. Unique Four-Spindle, Four-Axes Flexibility
The spindles, slides, and turrets work independently and simultaneously for “operation matching” flexibility: AA/AA, AB/AB, AA/BB, A/B/C/D.Dependable, Close Tolerance Performance
Spindle rigidity and positioning are ensured by the use of a large diameter, precision-toothed curvic coupling. The solid headstock, bed, and box shaped ways, over-sized ball-screws and servo motors, and robust turrets are all designed to perform heavy cutting with impressive chip removal rates.Ease of Loading
Since the spindles in the loading zone are outside of the machine, there is unrestricted access, allowing for easy manual, robotic, or gantry loading.Small Floor Space Requirements
In addition to saving time, Kitako’s small footprints are designed to make the most of your available floor space.